About Summit Bible Center, Ellenton, FL

HomeAbout Summit Bible Center, Ellenton, FL

Let’s seek God together.

Has God planted a desire in your heart to do more for Him? Do you keep thinking, “There has to be more to this life?” Are you ready to do something big for the kingdom, but you just need the opportunity or training? Are you tired of going day after day and seeing no change in your life and circumstances?

About Summit Bible Center in Ellenton, Florida

Have you grown weary with always waiting for something big to happen? Have you ever wanted to get in on the ground floor of a new church and use your experiences, insights, and the next big thing for God?

This is the place for you. Join us and let’s talk about how you can step into peace, passion, and purpose at Summit Bible Center. As a church in Ellenton, Florida, we encourage all to come and join us and experience how they can help build the kingdom and grow on a spiritual level.

The leadership at our church recognizes and responds to the call from our Captain to fully engage in Kingdom building, first through duplication (learning to walk like Christ in our personal lives) and then multiplication (training others to live and walk with and for Jesus).

We exist to assist and support kingdom building and kingdom builders through teaching, preaching, training, and sending, as was demonstrated in the Book of Acts and detailed in II Timothy. Operating as a conduit for the hope that is in Jesus Christ, we train leaders to train leaders with the purpose of exalting Jesus Christ.

Our Pastor

Lead Pastor

Tave and Heather

Tave and Heather each grew up in good homes with a knowledge of God but not experiencing a real relationship with Him until they were each reached with the Gospel right before they met in college. After marriage they served in their local church until Tave was called by God into fulltime ministry at a Pastors conference in 1999. They have served together for 27 years in capacities that stretch from “directors” of bathroom cleaning and maintenance to missionaries in Ghana, West Africa. However, from Bus Director to Pastor, New converts Group leader to Junior Church Director, their heart for the gospel and their love for helping others has been the center focus of every ministry and in truth the central focus of their lives.

Tave received his bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Theology from Hyles Anderson College and holds a master’s degree in business from Liberty University. Heather is a credentialed respiratory therapist, wellness instructor and author.

With three decades of marriage, (3 adult children {and their spouses} and 8 grandchildren with another expected in August), plus their extensive training in ministry throughout the world, they are uniquely qualified to plant Summit Bible Center.
They love to teach and train on experiencing happy and healthy marriages, accomplishing healthy finances, and living an authentic Christian life.

Their passion is reaching the lost and training others to share the gospel effectively and with emotional intelligence.

Their mission is to plant a church where all people can know Christ, discover community, find comfort, be challenged, and experience change.

Tave is a resourceful entrepreneur and spiritual leader who combines his business acumen with his religious calling in a unique way. At the core of his enterprise is Genesis Sprinklers and Water Management (genesiswm.net), a company specializing in the efficient management of water resources through advanced irrigation systems. Simultaneously, Tave is taking on the sacred task of establishing a church. This distinct blend illustrates Tave’s commitment to serving his community, providing practical solutions for environmental conservation while also nurturing spiritual growth. His dual approach underscores a comprehensive vision of stewardship, advocating for both ecological responsibility and spiritual enlightenment.

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